Total Wellness Intake Questionnaire
Thanks for meeting with us today! We are excited to learn more about you and the following questions to help us understand your wellness goals and match you with the best practitioner for your needs. Ready to get started?
This pillar focuses on mental health and resilience.
What are your current mental health concerns? (Select all that apply)
Have you previously worked with a therapist or mental health coach?
Emotionally Well Services
This pillar centers on emotional well-being through body-based techniques and spiritual guidance.
What kind of emotional support are you looking for? (Select all that apply)
Have you engaged in any body-based or spiritual practices before?
Physical Fitness Services
This pillar provides support for physical health through movement and fitness coaching.
Which of the following physical wellness services interests you? (Select all that apply)
What’s your current level of physical activity?
Service Selection and Practitioner Match
Emotionally Well Services (select 1):
Physically Fit Services (select 1):
Thank you for completing this intake questionnaire! Your answers will help us personalize your wellness experience at Lotus Life Total Wellness. Be on the lookout for an official welcome email in 24-48hrs. Once you set up your profile and preferred payment method, your team will reach out to you to schedule your sessions!